January 2022 – Physical Education

Hi everyone and welcome back to FMS physical education,2022. I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing two week break. As a reminder here in January, please have your child wear warm clothing due to the cold weather. Bring an extra water bottle on PE days. Sweatshirts and sweatpants may be an option on cold days. Gloves may also be worn if need be. Please have your child wear athletic shoes, tennis shoes etc. No opened toed shoes, sandals, boots or crocs should be worn for PE as they are safety hazards for outdoor activities.

The following activities will take place in January 2022 weather and fields permitting:

KINDER—–SOCCER SKILLS/GAMES (dribbling, passing with partners)

1st-3rd years—–SOCCER SKILLS/GAMES(dribbling and passing skills with partners)

4th-6th years—–SOCCER SKILLS/GAMES(dribbling and passing skills with partners)

7th-8th years—–SOCCER SKILLS/GAMES(dribbling and passing skills with partners)

These activities will depend on field availability and weather. Other activities to be played are BOOMBALL, relay tic -tac-toe and team dodge ball. Volleyball will be introduced if time allows as well as kickball.